If you are a person who likes to keep up with current trends
you will know that it is important to have your own website. After all anybody
who is Anybody Important has a website of their very own. However one of the
dangers of having a website is that someone browsing on the internet might
discover it one day and what is worse, actually pause to visit your site and
read its contents! They might even be interested stopping for a while to read
what you wrote in it, or want to buy the widget you thought might be good to
sell as you have more than one of them. If you would like to reduce the
possibilities of that happening be sure to follow these ten tips, and you can
be sure that very few people will even know your website exists.
1. Choose an
obscure domain name. Make sure the name you select has no relevance to the
content of your site, to you or your business. Whatever you do make sure the
domain name contains NO keywords that would indicate what your site is about
and attract attention when someone searches for a site with your content or
2. Do not
submit your website URL to any search engines, especially the big ones like
Google, Yahoo, or MSN. Do not participate in any offers for your website to be
submitted to search engines for free.
3. Never add
fresh content or pages to your website. In fact it is a better idea to
identically duplicate your content on every page.
4. Avoid
reading anything about how to promote traffic to your website. One of the
strategies might sink into your sub conscious, and you might find yourself
promoting your site by accident.
5. Set up
your website and then just leave it. Try not even to visit it yourself if
possible in case your computer has tracking cookies. Any visits to your site could
attract attention.
6. Make sure
that you have a generic e mail address that you use all the time. An example of
this might be a hotmail or yahoo address. Then when you write emails no one can
track down your website through your email address. An address like me
@mywebsite.com would just give the game away.
7. Even if
you are passionate about writing, do not even consider writing an article and
submitting it to a free article submission site such as Articles Beyond
Better.Com. The problem with submitting an article is that you have to put
something in the resource box which tells other people who you are and how to
visit your website and buy your widget. It’s amazing how just one article can
be reprinted all over the internet, and read by people all over the world. That
kind of exposure is very harmful to secret websites which do not want to
receive any visits.
8. Do not
put a blog or bulletin board on your website. This just encourages all sorts of
visitors who want to read what you write and ask you questions. Some people
often make return visits, or even become regular visitors to blogs, forums and
bulletin boards. After all it would be terrible if someone actually
your site and
came back because they liked it!
9. Do not ever
mention or put your website address on your business card, any promotional
business material, or as a signature file on every e mail you send.
10. Choose an
unreliable hosting service that has a bad reputation. In this way the server
will not be up all the time, and people will not be able to access your site
even if they wanted to.
By following these guidelines you can be pretty sure that no
one will notice that your website exists. I hope you have plenty of money
though, and do not want to make income from your website. The problem with a website that is un noticed
is that you still have to pay your hosting server every month for the privilege
of your website taking up space on their server even if no one comes to visit
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